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STEM Extensions

STEM K12 9: School/program provides within-school and extra-curricular opportunities for students to extend STEM learning.

Impact Narrative:

 At F.L. Stanton Elementary, all scholars participate in three in-depth, cross-curricular PBLs each school year and on Georgia STEM Day. Each quarter students are engaged in enrichment activities which include coding, robotics, and hands-on and inquiry-based activities. FLS scholars participate in monthly STEM challenges and Makerspace activities.

In addition, they gain STEM career and college exposure through Career Day and daily morning announcements. Beyond the school day, we provide extra-curricular opportunities for students to extend their STEM learning. We offer STEM-related clubs, including Mathletes, Girls Empowered & Motivated to Succeed (G.E.M.S), Mozley Park Partnership (Multimedia), School Newscasts, and Wellness Ambassadors.

Areas of Strength:

Three strengths of our extracurricular activities are scholars engaging in activities that allow them to hone their problem-solving skills, be creative, and think critically. During Project-based Learning (PBLs), scholars plan, design, and build devices.

Areas of Opportunity:

However, currently, they are not afforded additional time to participate in STEM extended related activities beyond the instructional day. We intend to improve by offering an Engineering Club where students will use their creativity and critical thinking skills while learning about engineering technology, how it applies to the real world, and how to utilize math and science to solve problems.

To constantly improve our club offerings, we will survey students and parents to determine the types they are interested in. Also, the instructional leadership team will continuously monitor the percentage of students actively participating in extra-curricular and enrichment activities. We will also engage our community partners to determine what clubs they can offer or provide additional support.


  • FLS currently offers five STEM-related extracurricular clubs    

  • FLS offers monthly enrichment activities

  • We survey stakeholders to gain feedback to continuously improve enrichment and extracurricular activities.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

The number of girls participating in the G.E.M.S Club.

The number of scholars participating in the Mathletes Math Club.

The number of scholars participating in the FLS Wellness Ambassadors Club.

The number of scholars participating in the FLS Morning News Team. 

Girls in Science
Girls in science 2
Girls in Med
GEMS Seervice learning Project
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