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STEM Educator Collaboration

STEM K12 2: STEM educators collaborate to develop, implement, and improve high-quality STEM learning activities.

Impact Narrative:

Together, WE are stronger is the Frank Lebby Stanton Elementary School theme launched during the onset of  COVID.  This theme provided the basis for Collective Responsibility and accountability amongst stakeholders.  Be it Teacher-Led Professional Learning, students’ demonstrating Academic Ownership, or parents actively engaged in monthly virtual STEM Activities, students gained meaningful learning experiences because of the collaborative efforts of stakeholders, despite the obstacles and barriers associated with Virtual Learning. 

Innovation, ingenuity, and fast-track learning afforded teachers additional technological tools and resources to model and monitor STEM Lessons and activities in a Virtual Environment with little to no real experience in the Virtual Teaching and Learning arena.

Furthermore, though challenging, sustaining stakeholders’ interest was rewarding when projects were completed by students and parents during monthly one-hour sessions. The highlight of each evening’s event was culminated by student presentations of their findings for design’s construction/build during the end of sessions. 

Finally, the collaborative STEM Meetings, regardless of the stakeholder group, resulted in time-sensitive and innovative next steps that might not have been realized in an in-person environment. Critical Friends Feedback sessions initially led by Camp Jenny Personnel and Frank Lebby Stanton Elementary School empowered students to participate and remain engaged. 

Areas of Strength:

The district’s STEM Coordinator participated as an impartial judge during the students’ Showcase Exposition, December 2021. She facilitated a Gallery Walk with the STEM Committee to discuss specific glows and grows regarding the showcase and the tool needed to provide constructive criticism via Critical Friends Protocol. As a follow-up, the district’s STEM Coordinator facilitated a school-wide PLC Meeting sharing the next actionable steps for improvement. Her support helped transform our collective efforts from novice to skilled PBL Practitioners.

Based on Stakeholder Perception Data, our Tiger Clients were satisfied with the advancement of the STEM Program and its role in promoting and sustaining stakeholders’ engagement and overall participation.

A direct correlation between the rigor and positive instructional impact of the STEM Program on student achievement was evident in the increase in the longitudinal data in Science across “tested” grade levels, as noted on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) Spring 2019 and 2020. 

The integration of literacy with the Engineering Design Model equipped scholars to approach everyday problems as skilled scientists/engineers resulting in improved student performance in Science measurably.

Areas of Opportunity:

Using the Critical Friends Observation Feedback Form from the December 2021 STEM Showcase, data will be used as a baseline point of reference to improve the implementation and effectiveness of the upcoming and subsequent STEM PBL Showcases. Observations will be conducted based on a cycle of instructional support. Lesson Plan collaboration will consist of a weekly STEM focus where intentionality will be directed to each component of the Engineering Design Process with a monitoring and feedback loop to include the grows, glows, wanderings, and noticing as observed in each content area. This instructional observation will assist us with embedding STEM integration across all content areas. 


  • Science/STEM Collaboration Meetings

  • Implemented a school-wide PBL with a Parent Showcase 

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